My Family Spanish Project On Flowvella
The Family Project is a 12 session DVD experience for couples or small groups that explores the theological, philosophical, and cultural underpinnings of the traditional family, and combines that information with inspiring stories and practical tools to help 21st-century families thrive. There are five members of my family. There is my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, and I. My brother is named Paco, and my sister is named Elena. My father uses glasses, and my mother has. Mi familia (My family) Descripciones de la familia 1 (Family descriptions 1) Descripciones de la familia 2 (Family descriptions 2) Colorea la familia 1 (Color the Family 2) Colorea la familia 2 (Color the Family 2) Recortable Familiar para los Dedos (Family Finger Craft) Pasatiempos en mi Familia (My Family Hobbies) Casa de Familia (Family House).
SUBJECTS — U.S. 1929 - 1991; Hispanic & California; SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING — Families in Crisis; MORAL-ETHICAL EMPHASIS — Caring Age: 13+; MPAA Rating R for strong language, some graphic violence and a scene of sexuality; Drama; 1995, 128 minutes; Color. Available from. Description: This is the story of Jose, Maria, and their children — two generations of an American family of Mexican descent who live in Los Angeles.
'This is the great American story, told again and again, of how our families came to this land and tried to make it better for their children.' Rogert Ebert. Rationale for Using the Movie: My Family/Mi Familia touches upon many of the important points in the history of Mexican immigration to the U.S. During the 20th Century. Objectives/Student Outcomes Using this Learning Guide: Students will have a greater understanding of the Mexican-American experience. Possible Problems: There is one tender love scene with nothing graphic and two violent deaths. LEARNING GUIDE MENU Using the Movie in Class: Other Sections: MOVIE WORKSHEETS: TWM offers the following movie worksheets to keep students' minds on the film and to focus their attention on the lessons to be learned from the movie.;;.
Teachers can modify the movie worksheets to fit the needs of each class. See also TWM's. Additional ideas for lesson plans for this movie can be found at TWM's guide to. Helpful Background: The Mexican Repatriation Program — 1929 - 1936 Note to teachers: Students may disagree with the position taken in the first five paragraphs. If they do, have a discussion about those disagreements.
The United States has operated on the 'melting pot' model, in which immigrants and, particularly, the children of immigrants assimilate into mainstream American culture. This began with the 13 colonies and continues to this day. By the second or third generation, families of immigrants abandon the culture of the country of their family's origin.
Limited aspects of the old cultures persist, particularly in music, food, celebration of holidays, and, most importantly, in religion. However, in most cases little else of the old ways survive. The children of immigrants intermarry with the ancestors of other immigrants and fully participate in mainstream American society. Even in religion, which is perhaps the most persistent hold-over from the old countries, beliefs are affected by American culture. For example, while there is still some debate, same-sex marriage is accepted by most Americans.
Episcopalian Church, a branch of the world-wide Anglican Communion (formerly the Church of England), is at odds with other Anglican churches in its endorsement of same-sex marriage. In January 2016, the Episcopalian church in America was officially suspended from the Anglican Communion because of this position. There is also a parallel process in which some aspects of ethnic cultures are adopted by the mainstream. A good example is food. Almost all Americans love spaghetti, pizza, tacos, burritos, Chinese food, etc.
Racism and prejudice against certain ethnic minorities has skewed the process of assimilation, but it still strongly affects these groups. African-Americans were not voluntary immigrants, and their original African cultures were suppressed by the slaveholder. The African heritage of black Americans has been almost completely lost. The main exception is music, some of which survived and has strongly influenced mainstream culture.
Some would argue that in the past, a subculture of black Americans existed, due to economic oppression and racial exclusion. But that subculture itself is distinctly and uniquely American; it is certainly not the result of any African heritage. While some discrimination against African-Americans persists, assimilation has reached the point where the culture of black Americans is usually the same as that of other Americans of the same economic class. Hispanics and immigrants of Asian descent also suffered from discrimination but, as shown in the film My Family/Mi Familia, the children of Hispanic immigrants have largely become assimilated. The same is true of Americans from families that came from Asia.
Each of these groups have been subjected to discriminatory practices, for example, during WWII Americans of Japanese descent who lived on the West Coast were sent to internment camps. However, discrimination and the efforts of misguided and prejudiced people to exclude them from American society may delay assimilation, but the process continues. The most extreme example of discrimination against Hispanic Americans is the 'Mexican Repatriation Program,' 1929 - 1936. As the country veered into the Great Depression, U.S.
Government authorities throughout the United States, and particularly in Texas, California, and Colorado undertook an aggressive program to forcibly remove persons of Mexican ancestry. In California alone, approximately 400,000 American citizens and legal residents of Mexican ancestry were forced to go to Mexico. In total, it is estimated that two million people of Mexican ancestry were forcibly relocated to Mexico. Approximately 60% or 1.2 million had been born in the United States and were thus U.S. On occasion massive raids were conducted on Mexican-American communities, resulting in the clandestine removal of thousands of people, many of whom were never able to return to the United States.
These raids also had the effect of coercing thousands of people to leave the country in the face of threats and acts of violence. The raids targeted persons of Mexican ancestry, with authorities and others indiscriminately characterizing these persons as 'illegal aliens' even when they were United States citizens or permanent legal residents. Authorities in California and other states instituted programs to wrongfully remove persons of Mexican ancestry and secure transportation arrangements with railroads, automobiles, ships, and airlines to effectuate the wholesale removal of people out of the United States to Mexico. As a result of these illegal activities, families were forced to abandon or were defrauded of personal and real property, which often was sold by local authorities as 'payment' for the transportation expenses incurred in their removal from the United States to Mexico. As a further result of these illegal activities, United States citizens and legal residents were separated from their families and country and were deprived of their livelihood and United States constitutional rights.
Citizens were deprived of the right to participate in the political process guaranteed to all citizens, thereby resulting in the tragic denial of due process and equal protection of the laws. Primary Source for the last two paragraphs: California Government Code §§ 8721 & 8722, The Mexican Repatriation Apology Act. California State Senator Joe Dunn, interviewed on by NPR, January 2, 2006, said, The phrase that the Hoover administration used was 'American jobs for real Americans.' Well, if you were born and raised right here in the United States but just happened to be of Mexican descent, in the Hoover administration's eyes, you were not a, quote, 'real American,' But that was the designed purposed of the program, to create jobs due to the rising number of unemployment at that time. Unfortunately, most of the individuals that were forcibly deported literally were done under armed guard and lock and key. There was a raid in a park in Los Angeles in February of 1931 in which they literally rounded up all the folk in that park who appeared to be of Mexican descent, put them on flatbed trucks under armed guard to Union Station in downtown Los Angeles, on a train that was under lock and key and literally forced them on and-onto the train, and the train took them to the interior of Mexico.
Most of the deportations were done by force. Most of the deportees in 1930s that were shipped to Mexico did not speak the language.
And they were not only thrown out of their country of birth, the United States, they were foreigners in the new land that they were shipped to, that being Mexico. Almost two million individuals from throughout the U.S. were illegally deported to Mexico, and it's estimated that almost 60 percent or more of those two million were actually United States citizens born right here in the United States. SUGGESTIONS FOR USING MY FAMILY/MI FAMILIA IN THE CLASSROOM The film needs no introduction. After showing the film, provide students with the information on the Mexican Repatriation, 1929- 1936, set out above. Another way of providing students with this information is to print out and have students read it. Supplement the information in the statute by telling students that states all over the country participated in the program with particularly large deportations in California, Colorado, and Texas.
An estimated two million people were deported to Mexico, 60% of them U.S. The early scenes of the film contain some Spanish dialogue that is translated with titles on the screen. However, there are well over a hundred instances in which Spanish is spoken and no translation is provided. The writing and direction ensure that these do not detract from the story, but knowing the meaning of these expressions further enriches the film. TWM has provided translations for most of these expressions. ADVERTISEMENT Discussion Questions: After showing the film and introducing the information in the Helpful Background section, engage the class in a discussion about the movie. The first seven questions relate to assimilation of immigrants into U.S.
What is the best balance in determining how to deal with ethnic and religious differences in a society? Suggested Response: Here's the Golden Rule that has made the U.S. A great nation: celebrate each ethnicity as a unique and beautiful expression of humanity, but cultural identity must be expressed an inclusive way, and any activities that are antithetical to the basic values of the society are abandoned. There are many examples of this. The early Mormons practiced polygamy, but the society required that this practice be abandoned. In Scotland, society was organized by clans, which were basically tribes of related people.
There were the Elliotts, the Douglases, the Armstrongs, the MaGregors, etc. People who trace their lineage to Scottland have 'gatherings' where they eat, drink, and listen to Bagpipe bands. At some there are competitions of old Scottish sports. Each clan has a tent with information about the clan. For several years in many gatherings in California, one of the hosts at the Elliott Clan tent was a Japanese-American who had no connection with Scottland other than the fact that he had fallen in love with the Elliott clan.
He was fully accepted by the people who traced their heritage to the Elliott clan. That is American ethnicity at its best. Contrast this to the Middle East in which the Shiites and Sunnis kill each other, the 'Troubles' or Northern Ireland, or Rwanda in which the Hutus murdered almost a million Tutsis in the 1994 genocide. And, of course, there is the Holocaust, the attempted extinction of European Jews by the Nazis. There are, unfortunately, many examples of societies in which religious and ethnic tensions have led to chaos and death. Each of the children of Maria and Jose assimilated into the American 'melting pot' and adopted the values of American society to a different extent. Describe the assimilation of each.
Suggested Response: Memo fully assimilated. He became a lawyer, moved across the bridges to the West side of Los Angeles, and married a non-Hispanic American girl. For Memo, his Mexican heritage was almost an embarrassment. Chucho, like modern-day gang members, got stuck in a nether world in which he rejected the culture of his father in which hard work was a sign of dignity. His world was that of the 'pachuco' which rejected much of mainstream American values, but adopted others. Irene is more assimilated, starting a Mexican restaurant with her husband. She is fully integrated into the American economic system, but she is also tied strongly to her parents' Mexican culture.
Toni started out fully in line with the Mexican culture by becoming a nun. While some mainstream American Catholics also became nuns, by the time Toni leaves the Church and marries a non-Mexican, she is fully assimilated. Paco, too assimilates. He joins the Navy and becomes a writer, in English, not in Spanish. Jimmy also seems to assimilate very well, but his story is focused on how he deals with his own psychological wounds resulting from the death of Chucho and his wife. What is the significance of the fact that after Chucho is kicked out of the house, he and his friends (and his enemies) are next shown dancing to non-Hispanic popular music.
Include in your response a reason why the filmmakers showed the audience the murals on the walls of the dance hall? Suggested Response: The location is a building that honors the Hispanic heritage of the community, but the music is mainstream popular American music. This shows the distance between Chucho and his friends - and enemies - from their Hispanic roots, and also their ties to their community of people of Mexican origin. There are two instances of very popular television programs shown in the movie. What are the filmmakers trying to tell us with these scenes?
Spanish Project Ideas
Suggested Response: 'I Love Lucy' was a popular show. Most people in the U.S. Loved it and watched it every week. People still watch re-runs of the old programs. 'I Love Lucy' was an agent of assimilation in that it was an experience that most Americans of all ethnic backgrounds shared. The values that the program embraced (and all media has a value set) were likely to be shared by all of its viewers. Also, Lucy was mainstream white, while her husband was Hispanic.
In another scene, Maria is watching a telenovela in Spanish. While Maria and Jose have integrated into American economic life and assimilated many American values, they have also retained much of their Mexican culture. This is shown by Maria's interest in the telenovela.
Family Spanish Project
Identify the cultural values that are evidence of assimilation into American culture? These values are not necessarily antithetical to the values of the cultures from which the emigrants come.
For example, the dignity of work is a traditional value of the culture which most Mexican and Central American immigrants bring when they come to the U.S. It is also a classic American value.
(Unfortunately, some Americans have lost this value.) Suggested Response: There is no one correct answer to this question. While there are many aspects of different cultures that give variety to life that can be retained, such as different ways of celebrating holidays, family customs, language spoken in the home, food, etc. There are certain core values of the majority culture. TWM has identified the following, there are probably more.
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The film is his most ambitious project to date his idea was code-named Project Alpha money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam an international science project besides film and record projects, I have continued to work in the theater with older children, a good winter project might be to build a kite to use on the beach /a research project/ on the housing needs of the elderly the US Department of Energy is helping to fund a research project with car manufacturers to make electric cars /a government construction project/ involving Italian and Swiss companies. The government is projecting a 5% price increase according to the projected figures. We project sales at 30 million dollars Africa's population is projected to double by 2025 the government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year the analysts are projecting economic growth at 2 percent for the year the population of Britain is projected to rise slowly over the next ten years projected costs have risen to £10.5 billion /according to the projected figures/ the communists have scored around 2 per cent of the vote he wants to reduce next year's projected deficit of $2 billion.
She later moved to Scandinavian Airline as special project manager at Heathrow he transferred to Hong Kong as project manager on a building site Dr Neil Cutland, project manager for the National Energy Foundation she went to work at the Commonwealth Secretariat as the chief project officer for their education programme as Polaris Project Officer at the Ministry of Aviation he was involved in the Polaris Submarine Programme in the 1960s Sean Devereaux is resident project officer for UNICEF deputy project scientist Frank Pellicone says Mars Observer probably won't find any fossils.