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'Send as SMS' Only Applies to Apple Users Now, this is only an issue in regards to sending text messages to other iDevice or Mac OS X Mountain Lion users who have iMessage enabled. If you're sending a text to someone who has iMessage disabled or doesn't have any Apple devices, it will still automatically send as an SMS through your carrier's plan. Why You Should Turn On 'Send as SMS' If you're sending a text to someone who has iMessage, and iMessage is down temporarily for some reason, sending it as an SMS could be faster, which is important if you need a quick answer on something. Though, then the recipient would also have to have 'Send as SMS' turned to make sure they give you a speedy response.
Further Issues Some have reported that messages still hang and that they still don't send as SMS right away when iMessage fails, because it seems to take some time before iMessages realizes it can't send it. Eventually, they might not ever get delivered, or sometimes days later. If That Didn't Work for You. Then there's some serious problems with Apple's iMessage system. On Monday, September 30th, Apple that 10% of users may have experienced delays or slowness when using iMessages, but I believe it's far worse than that and not limited to just one day. If you're still experience problems, try restarting your device. That has worked for me on occasion, and something I have to do on a regular basis anyway to prevent my GPS from stalling.
Some others have reported success with this, but if you haven't. Turn off iMessage (Settings - Messages). Reset Networking Settings (Settings - General - Reset). Enable iMessage (Settings - Messages) This will cause your device to forget previously remembered Wi-Fi passwords, so you'll have to make sure to reenter them before trying iMessage again.
As a last resort, you can try restoring from a backup in iTunes. UPDATE: Make Sure You Install iOS 7.0.3 Apple released a new iOS 7.0.3 update on October 22nd that supposedly fixes issues with delayed or unsent iMessages, so make sure you update to improve iMessage functionality. To update, just head to Settings - General - Software Update. If you have questions, feel free to ask away below, and please report what did or didn't work for you. More iOS 7 Tips!
There's a lot to learn about the new iOS 7 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, so make sure to to explore all of the new features and hidden tricks. Also make sure to check out the, and in iOS 7 that every iPhone user should know about. A lot of people are experiencing this issue.
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Could be an overload of Apple's systems, which again, would reinforce the importance of having 'Send as SMS' checked (which would not show unless activation was successful, Kristi). I haven't experienced this activation issue personally, but some say the following worked for them. Just wait to try again. Turning off iMessage, restarting the device, and turning it back on. Restoring from a backup in iTunes.
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Going to General - Reset - Reset all settings Reply. OK, so maybe I'll sound like an idiot after posting this, but I'm having a problem with a particular 'part' of texting that just started. You know when you make a mistake and need to go back and correct it in a text? If you put your finger where you need to correct on the screen and the little magnifying glass thing pops up? Well, ever since my update to OS 7 (which I loathe, by the way) It freezes when I do that. I have tried turning my phone completely off multiple times, and also holding down the 'home' and 'sleep' buttons at the same time to re-set it. Again, multiple times.
I'm getting sick of accidentally messing up one word or the auto correct 'correcting' it wrong and having my text take five minutes to send because I needed it to say 'of' not 'if'. I'm about ready to throw my phone out the window (because this is NOT the only problem I've had since OS 7) and although I've never dropped it before I'm about to start.